Workflow Overview
graph TB
node1(Load Images of Segmented Grain Boundaries )
click node1 "#1"
node1(Load Images of Segmented Grain Boundaries ) --> node2(Subsample into 4 Regions)
click node2 "#2"
node2(Subsample into 4 Regions) --> node3(Chord Length Distribution - CLD)
click node3 "#3"
node3(Chord Length Distribution - CLD) --> node4(2-point Statistics)
click node4 "#4"
Load Images of Segmented Grain Boundaries
Subsample into 4 Regions
In order to obtain a quick survey of in-sample variance.
Chord Length Distribution - CLD
Calculate CLD of each subsample and compare with full sized image to visualize variance.
Compare CLD in X and Y directions to get a quick measure of anisotropy.
2-point Statistics
Reveal directional structural trends in the grain boundaries.
Published with MATLABĀ® R2014b