June 10, 2015 4-5 pm EST - NIST Microstructure project meeting
Current Tasks
Josh: Respond to reviewers for manuscript
- Josh, David, AJ, Zhen: Identify new directions
- MKS for electronic structure
- View Slides
- A basic “derivation” of DFT from my thesis. The thesis is still a draft, so if you see any typos or have suggestions let me know.
- More information on the math of DFT (especially lecture 5)
- “Green’s functions” are often used in many-body quantum mechanics. This is not my expertise, but I would like to learn more. Some info (that I haven’t thoroughly read yet):
- MKS linkages for linking initial/final atomic structures (protein folding?)
- MKS for electronic structure
- AJ, Fred, Zhen: Learn n-point statistics, MKS
- Download, install, and test new pyMKS version
- Read existing manuscripts
- Fred: Look into Slack for communication, integration with MatIN
Other Notes
- For those trying to learn python, these resources might be helpful: